Legal Notice

The company

The website is the exclusive property of the company EASYIN EUROP SASU with a capital of 1.000 € registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Meaux with reference number KBIS RCS 823.856.521.00013, NAF code: 4531Z, whose head office is located at 10, rue du Cercle des Poètes 77144 MONTEVRAIN

Phone number : + 33(0)

Email :

President : Stéphane. Laurent GARNIER


The business

EASYIN EUROP SASU’s main activity is the sale of EASYIN bike racks and their accessories


The website

The site is an e-commerce site that is freely accessible via the Internet.

It is exclusively intended for final consumers.

The website is in French language, and offers to customers the possibility to buy in a convivial and ergonomic environment products, accessories having for common link the bicycle

The site is secured by :

  • Le Crédit du Nord
  • Certificat SSL
  • AtosOrigin


The company EASYIN EUROP sasu owner and operator of the site has made all the declarations to the CNIL under the reference NS 48-N°2014183

The website is hosted by the company OXATIS SA 171 chemin de la Madrague Ville – immeuble Acropolis – 13002 Marseille – France

Protection of personal data

CNIL declaration n° NS 48-N°2010582

All provisions for the protection of personal data have been adopted.

Please refer to the General Sales Conditions § 12.2, § 12.3, § 12.4, § 12.5


Intellectual property rights

  1. The elements belonging to the company EASYIN EUROP SASU such as the web site, the brands, the drawings and models, the images, the texts as well as the design of the product or which were transferred to it are the exclusive property of the company EASYIN EUROP. The photographs and photographic elements present on the site remain the property of the company EASYIN EUROP under copyright and intellectual property law for the whole world. EASYIN EUROP will make every effort to protect and assert its rights as well as those entrusted to it through a contract.

    The whole of the photographs is subject to Reserved Rights and whoever will make a copy and use the said photographs of the website exposes himself to the application of the lawsuits and prejudices registered by the law and that the company EASYIN EUROP will assert

  2. The present general conditions of sale do not imply any transfer of any kind of intellectual property right on the elements belonging to the company EASYIN EUROP or its partners (sounds, photographs, images, literary texts, artistic works, software, trademarks, graphic charters, logos…) for the visitor’s benefit.
  3. All visitors to the website are prohibited from directly or indirectly infringing on the property rights of the company EASYIN EUROP or its partners.



The site includes electronic links to other sites (Crédit du Nord, FIA-NET, AtosOrigin, PayPal, Collissimo, Google, Amazon, eBay…).

These links are intended to assist customers in their browsing and are subject to security measures by EASYIN EUROP and its partners.

EASYIN EUROP cannot be held responsible for any misuse by an external party of these links and the messages sent, their content, frequency, appearance, damage and possible losses caused by these messages.